On 13 March 2024, the first working meeting of the junior research groups (NWG) took place via online meeting with the aim of strengthening networking and cooperation between the 21 junior research groups. The meeting was coordinated by the CDS2USE networking coordination team at the Dresden site. An important wish and sign of the NWG: to strengthen the involvement of international early career researchers in particular. The NWG communicate in English as part of the networking programme.

Anne Seim and Dr Brita Sedlmayr, the networking coordinators of the junior research groups, warmly welcomed the participants and led them through the agenda of the three-hour meeting. Dr Sebastian Fudickar, elected representative of the NWG for the National Steering Committee of the MII (NSG), took the opportunity to introduce himself personally. The NWG were given an insight into his work for the NWG. He emphasised the importance of close cooperation between the groups and called on the NWG to work together. In addition, a person of trust was established as part of the networking coordination. Christina Schüttler, Head of the Presidium Commission for the Promotion of Young Researchers of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), will be available to the junior research groups as a contact person for problems in the future.
Since the kick-off meeting of the junior research groups in November 2023, points of contact for the junior research groups have been discussed in collaboration with the BaseTraCE, MII-Academy and fit4translation projects. For example, it was jointly decided that the junior research groups would strengthen the MII Academy with an overarching video.
Public relations work is an important pillar of NWG networking. New on the MII website:
The contacts of the junior research group leaders. An English translation of the subpage and an NWG map are in the works. The development of an NWG logo in English also supports the visibility of the junior research groups, also internationally.
The junior research groups reported on their highlights of the last three months. The progress of the last three months became visible here, many new publications were produced and new members were welcomed to the ranks of the junior research groups. A diverse insight into the research activities of the NWG groups was provided.
Dr Philip Kleinert, from the MII Coordination Office, responded to the junior research groups’ request to gain more insight into MII topics. He pointed out opportunities for the junior research groups to become more involved and contribute their expertise to the MII working groups and task forces. Dr Judith Wodke, head of the NWG MeDaX, also emphasised the opportunities for collaboration within the MII by presenting the “Cross-functional interfaces” task force.
For further information and enquiries, please contact:
Anne Seim
Networking Coordinator of the MII Junior Research Groups
Dr Brita Sedlmayr
Head of the MII junior research group CDS2USE