The holistic overview of a patient’s medical history
– this is the premise of the “digital progress hub” MIDIA-Hub (MIRACUM DIFUTURE Alignment Hub).
The aftercare of cancer patients and the treatment of people with multiple sclerosis have one thing in common: in each individual case, they provide large amounts of very different data – from MRI images to laboratory values, and this over many years. At the same time, a wide variety of players accompany those affected on their care pathways: University clinics, hospitals, outpatient care providers and rehabilitation centres. In order for all those providing treatment to be able to make the best possible therapeutic decisions at every point in the care chain, they must have an overview of the complex clinical picture of their patients. Supporting this with innovative IT solutions is a central goal of the MIDIA-Hub digital progress hub.
A key role will be played by a new doctors’ portal that the University Hospitals of Erlangen and Munich – which are also coordinating the medical informatics consortia MIRACUM and DIFUTURE – are developing together with Siemens as a technology partner. They want to use this portal to network with the regional healthcare providers in their area and establish a model for the culture of data sharing. Intelligent data analyses should support the care of people and at the same time help health research to optimise therapies and aftercare concepts.
Portal for doctors and patients
A key role will be played by a new doctors’ portal that the University Hospitals of Erlangen and Munich – which are also coordinating the MIRACUM and DIFUTURE medical informatics consortia – are jointly developing. They want to use this portal to network with regional healthcare providers in their area and establish a model for the culture of data sharing. Intelligent data analyses are intended to support the care of people and at the same time help health research to optimise therapies and aftercare concepts. In addition to this, a patient portal will also be established to enable people to play a more active role in their recovery process. They will have the opportunity to make their own data – for example on their well-being and state of illness – digitally available to doctors in private practice, hospital doctors and health research, or to revoke this. In addition, they can track exactly how their pseudonymised data is used for which research questions – and what the results will be.
Improving cancer aftercare
Another use case will focus on people who are or have been diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer. The aim of the doctors’ portal is to ensure that all healthcare providers record and share their data according to uniform standards during long-term follow-up care. On the basis of this overall picture, the treating doctors can coordinate their strategies and make the best possible decisions for each person. The standardised data will also help researchers to answer pressing questions with the help of intelligent analyses: Why, for example, does one breast cancer patient suffer a relapse while another does not? Which biomarkers can make risk predictions more reliable? Which supportive therapies prove effective and which do not?
Optimising therapy for people with multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is the most common neurological autoimmune disease in young adults – and there is no cure. However, there are numerous medications that can slow down the progression of the disease. In order to make the best possible use of the therapeutic options, doctors must monitor the treatment pathways over many years and constantly adapt them to the individual progression of the disease. To make this even more successful in future, the doctors’ portal is intended to bundle all relevant data and compile it into an overall clinical picture that can be viewed by the treating physicians at every point in the care chain and used for therapeutic decisions. Researchers will also use innovative IT solutions to identify previously unknown patterns in the large number of individual disease and treatment courses of people with multiple sclerosis – for example, new starting points that allow them to recognise when which of the different drugs offers the most promising option for which person.
Coordination in the Digital Progress Hub

Partner in the Digital Progress Hub

In addition, MIDIA-Hub works together with other registered doctors and self-help groups not listed here.